So I am wondering if anyone can help me. I built a vacuum chamber and I cannot figure out why my 20 shore A silicone will not degas.
I am using a 3 cfm stage 2 vacuum (down to 22.5 microns) and a 5 gallon chamber. The gauge shows the unit is working but the silicone is not rising and falling as it should under vacuum. I left it on full vacuum for about 2 minutes with no rise. Any help would be most appreciated.
Ps- I know this is a 3D print forum but Im actually using a 3d mold so I figured maybe others could relate and lend some help.
Dont yell at me…
No, no, no
Nobody’s yelling at you, Sheila! On the contrary, all makers are welcome here 
We actually have a part in this forum dedicated to Molding, feel free to check it out to see if you find anything helpful. Otherwise I hope someone will jump in with an advise asap. Cheers
I use a bell on mine…that sits on a rubber plate to seal… if I have a seal that is just barely leaking I just apply a few drops of water around the bell and rubber seal…This allows it seal its self up. I have a rather large vacuum and if it is leaking the slightest amount It will not (boil water)or degas
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