Hi guys, does anyone know what I’m doing wrong? I got white spots on my printed parts and I’m not sure why. I’m printing with PLA. First I tried to wipe it of, but that doesn’t work. So I thought it’s something related to my print bed surface and changed it. But it didn’t change anything. I already printed things with this spool, but it’s the first time I got this effects. I also tried using a different PLA (light blue). Due to the color, it’s really hard to see, but it happens also with other PLA spools. Any ideas? Thanks for any advices.
Can you post a photo or two?
I uploaded a photo.
Heat the surface with a hair dryer or something like that.
Why should I do that? The prints are sticking very well on the buildtak style surface.
Heat the surface of the print. If I remember ok I think that was how I got rid of or reduced that white look.
How hard is it to remove from the build tack. Looks like your calibration may have the extruder a little too close to the print bed.
It’s quite hard to remove, but other people are complaining about the same behaviour for Flashforge Dreamer (hard to remove). So I’m not sure whether it’s related to the stickiness of the surface, but you’ll never know. I calibrated the printed right before the print. But maybe I need to calibrate with some more distance. Will try it again. Thanks
The print bed is already heated with 50 degrees.
You’re completely missing the point! Ignore the printer.
Take the PART and use a hair dryer or heat gun on the bottom of it where it is white to see if it will reduce the discoloration.
Ah, ok. Now I got it. Sorry, I read that I should take hair spray instead of dryer and have than been completely into the stickiness topic in my mind. Sorry for that. Now I know what you are trying to tell me and yes, it sounds like a good idea ?. Will give it a try later. Thanks.
No worries! Hope it helps.
Wow, awesome. It works. The spots disappeared. ? Now I have to take a look where the white spots are coming from.
Good deal.
I never really figured out what made them. I think it is from stress from removing it from the bed. I got them with hairspray and with glue stick.
You are right. It seems if the object is slightly bent when removing it from the bed, that the material is stressed and gets white at some spots. Can easily be reproduced if you take any other plastic and bend it a few times. When using the hair dryer the material softens and begins melting again. This makes the white spots disappear. Now when thinking it over it all sounds logical. Thanks again.
This is quite good guide Print Quality Guide | Simplify3D Software From what you have mentioned you could have blobs and zits on your prints, Take a look at that section in the link above and try the suggested fixes
Good to hear a follow up, thanks.
I think the bottom layer of the object stuck too fast to the print bed that a part of the bottom layer got stuck and it didn’t come out as a whole. For better outcomes, you can use a heated print bed to get the desired outcomes.