Hey guys & chicks,
We’re attending Startup Weekend Brussels Makers right now - building stuffs, connecting them, eating pizzas and having fun.
We’re prototyping TOTEM, a connected tower that lights up when something - anything - happens. We used a Spark Core and 3D printed a case.
For example: it’s Tuesday and again you forgot to take the trash out this morning. Unless you had configured TOTEM to light up in blue as a reminder.
Or, let’s say your 3-year-old son wakes you up every night at 4.30 am to show up in your bedroom like: “Isn’t it morning yet?”. You can configure TOTEM to light up in green which means to him: “It’s 7 by now and it’s ok to wake up mommy and daddy”.
Here’s our first proto.
What we ask for is simple: feedback.
Do you like the idea?
Would you use it at home?
Would you buy it in a shop?
Or make it yourself?
How much would you pay for it - not the proto but the very refined wooden and sexy designed final version?
Thank you 3D folks, you’re awesome!