Website changes

Hey Guys,

It’s good to see you are updating your website, but please, keep this to once a month or so.

Now on a daily basis I see the colours, layout and options changing which is very annoying.

Also, please make sure new features work. The green dot(marking updates) is great, but when I have read an update, and reopen the page, it will tell me there is a new update which is not true.

Even when I place a message in an order, I get a green dot…

The same thing happens with the changelog tab. It keeps coming back as of there is a new update.

Or maybe it’s just my autistic brain kicking in. I just don’t like it that you change it so much. This feels like you are writing code directly on a live website and not with scheduled updates.

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We appreciate the feedback @ProtoArt! We’ll forward this to the Product Team.

I too am having the same issue with the green indicator dots. However, I love seeing the updates daily. It’s almost like a ¨find what’s different¨ game. Awesome work!