UV led Dlp 3D printer with high resolution at affordable price launched by kkrobotic

Hello group members, good news for those are interested in Dlp 3d printer led based technology. Kkrobotic launch many model like microprotojet, caliber 100, caliber 200, caliber 300 with uv led based technology which has long lasting life of both machine and projector. Machine are also 5x time faster than other machine are available in market. Micro project is table top model has 65*36*120 mm build volume, speed 500 layers per hours. We’re caliber 250 has bigger build volume of 115*65*140mm with speed of 2000 layers per hours. All machine configured with hight resolution of 33-60 microns in xy axis. For more details can contact to website Kkrobotic.info Kkrobotic.com Kkrobotic.in Can also call on :+918169927947. Here is website links kkrobotic.com and kkrobotic.info to buy printers.