TERRIBLE Monoprice Maker Select Plus 3D prints

Hey guys so i just received my Monoprice Maker Select Plus about a week ago and have been receiving some amazing prints up until last night. I’ve been getting tons of prints similar to this one, as you can see, it has a coral-like pattern shell and I can’t pinpoint the problem. I was hoping someone would know the solution…Thanks!!

I have no experience with your particular type of printer, but you are looking at severe underextrusion in your prints.
Something is blocking your filament from exiting your nozzle is the correct amount.
Is your extruder making a ticking/clicking sound?
If you are printing, can you feel the filament being fed smoothly into your heating block?
If not, you have a obtrusion somewhere in the feedpath.

Thank you so much for your quick reply! Im gonna check if the filament is being fed correctly but what does it mean if there is a clicking sound?

A clicking sound from your extruder usually means the gearwheel is slipping on the filament.
You can check this by pulling out the filament and see if the gear has more or lesse taken a ‘bite’ out of your filament.
Another way is to check if the teeth of your gear are being filled with filament dust. If so, this reduces the grip the wheel has on the filament, making it even more prone to slipping.

There doesnt seem to be a sound. I tried reloading my filament and putting a needle inside the extruder, im waiting to see what the current print looks like

I think this is so odd, when i print any of the 4 pre installed g codes that came with the printer on an SD card, they come out fine, buth the second I print something with Cura, they come out all wonky