Strange things after updating PRUSA i3 MK2 Firmware


There are some strange things happening to my Prusa i3 MK2 since I updated firmware.

There are unreasonable layer shifting in one of print models which I successfully printed before update several times. The same GCODE file now prints strangely. Also there are layer inconsistency and wiggling with no reason. I attached few photos to explain the problem.

Black model shows layer shifting and brown model shows layer inconsistency.

Any suggestions?

Did you rerun all of the calibration steps?

What firmware version?

What slicer?

Hi Emir,

To which firmware version did you update your printer?

Were both models printed on rougly the same space on your printbed?

If both models are printed after updating the firmware and you didn’t change slicer settings, it seems like this is a hardware issue.

I had the same results after the belt of my X axis was damaged. and again after the Y-belt began to deteriorate. The stepper pulley will jump a teeth and thus shifting the layers.

The original Prusa belts in my experience are not capable of handling the tension for a long time. I replaced them with kevlar reinforced belts.

So I suggest checking the belts for damage and tension.

Hello again,

The Firmware is 3.1.0.

I run selftest and everything is OK.

Unfortunately I did not run all the calibration steps (I will certainly do that)

Slicer that I used in the black model is Slic3r but the same I used before and worked.

For the brown model i used original sliced gcode file provided by Prusa on the SD card.

The location on the bed for both models are pretty much close.

The belt is OK and not damaged or loose so I don’t think there is the problem.

I’ll do the calibration and try again.

Thanks for advice anyway.


I recently update my firmware to the most recent for my MK2. I ran the XYZ calibration then the V2, I think I also ran the calibration wizard in the new firmware… I also updated to the most recent driver package.

I haven’t had any issues yet.

Me too, I didn’t even run the calibration but it works like a charm