Smart DIY 3D printer Enclosure PLANS and ELECTRONICS


Want to build a DIY 3D printer enclosure? Well a lot of files are there for FREE, but if you like to chase corners, I’ve prepared A TON of additional files, that will help you source material locally, recalculate BOM to your printer/room size requirements, check out build photos and also get individual help.

It costs only 10eur for plans or 40eur in full discounted package with Electronics V2 MAINBOARD, where tracking+priority shipping is already included in the price!

Check out for more information: Universal 3D Printer Smart Enclosure by JKSniper - Thingiverse

Plans (files will be sent to paypal e-mail):

Full discounted package (files will be sent to paypal e-mail, board to your paypal address):

More info or custom order: sales @

Best regards,