Hello everyone,
I am looking for a printing facility that does SLS nylon printing with some kind of vapor finish?
Anyone offering it?
Thanks in advance,
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a printing facility that does SLS nylon printing with some kind of vapor finish?
Anyone offering it?
Thanks in advance,
I am not familiar with the vapor finnish.
Could you please elaborate about it?
Hi Gilbert,
Unfortunatly the Nylon is not the material that you should consider for this type of finish, because the SLS Nylon is very porous, you need a post treatment with epoxy and polishing if you want a ‘glossy’ finish. And it greatly depends on the geometry of your parts.
Nylon is not a polymer that lends itself to vapor polishing. Vibratory tumbling you can smooth things out but not to a gloss. Not really offered by service bureaus.
I don’t think so, even SLS abs isn’t captable to get melted with acetone. Remember those plastics are not always the plastic that’s named. They just acting similar as the real plastic. anyway I’m not sure, I just telling my exp with SLS and SLA abs and acetone. Depending on the geometry upu could sand it, anyway its SLS, isn’t smooth enough? Or its just cause you want porcelane effect? The best tip I can give you is to ask your supplier and follow his indications. Alps I would be glad to read about it.
I plus you