Hello everybody 
Antonio, thanks for your support and nevermind for the delay 
Maybe I write a little bit too much, with too much details. Shouldn’t I go straight to the point?
Sure I can, but I prefer to write more to take trace of what I’ve done and to let other people to follow this path whatever works, so please forgive me if it looks a little bit long 
I’ve modified the firmware a little following original leapfrog firmware values and your suggestions. It compiles.
I’ve uploaded some days ago and everything was fine but I’ve not tested the board for movements or heating).
Today I’ve made some test using Repetier Host.
1. push X home - motor seems ti move but it actually doesn’t; maybe I’ve to fix the Vref on the drivers (remember that I’m using A4988, not DRV8825 ?);
2. push Y home - nothing, not even a noise; connection checked, it’s ok.
3. push Z+ and Z- and the motor moves as expected.
4. Turning on the heater n.1 it goes to the max temp on the screen but the extruder is actually cold (room temp of course). Thermistor reads a temp.
Because of those strange behaviours I’ve tried to upload the firmware for test I’ve found on the wikipage
When connected with repetier host it starts to beep (sounds like an alarm, some red leds blinks sequantially at the center of the board, one of them (LE0) is still, TX blik fast and DBG blik slow.
Motors X and Y vibrate a bit and if I try to push manually the Y carriage the sound become a bit softer.
What does it means? I’ve looked online for some documentation but I’ven’t found any.
Someone may help me with the firmware test?
I’ve just found this
So thank you mr outbound-pt from Lisbon 
I’m going to try your firmware right now :))))
On the README.md we can read:
“This uploaded firmware is the first attempt at getting the board setup and is untested on the machine. It has been uploaded to the board and it generates the error message expected when it doesn’t detect any valid signal from the thermistors, forcing it to shut down.”
is this still true or it has been fixed? what should I expect?
p.s. thank you for the adapter for the Mv3 but I’ve just made mine with a cnc and a piece of metacrilate 
p.p.s: Outbound you’r becoming my point of reference for this issue, now I’m following your topics on RR forum