RZR MKR™ Competition

How would you use 3D printing to redefine an object you might use every day? 3D Hubs is teaming up with Gillette and MakersCAFE to run an experiment that gives you the opportunity to do exactly that… It’s called RZR MKR™.

We’d like to challenge you to re-design, re-invent and re-print your razor handle as you’d love it to be. New shapes, new forms, new uses: come up with the best looking and most innovative handle design and it will be proudly displayed in RZR MKR™ pop-up store in BOXPARK, 9th – 14th August, 2016. We’ve also got loads of 3D Hubs vouchers to give away to make it worth your while and cash prizes for the winners.

How it works:

  • The goal is simple: Design and print an innovative new razor handle for Gillette Fusion, Mach3 or Venus.

  • Use genuine Gillette components: Here is the CAD data to make it possible. We’ll then add genuine Gillette components to your printed handle to turn it into a razor.

  • At the beginning of any prototyping cycle the go-to technology for your first iteration is usually FDM thanks to its accessibility. That’s why we’d like to ask you to design with that technology in mind.

  • FREE EARLY BIRD PRINTING! No Printer? No problem! Submit your design to 3D Hubs and we’ll print the first 100 handles completely free. Request your free print voucher at simona@3dhubs.com

  • After Printing: Get in touch with simona@3dhubs.com for Gillette’s post address, post your 3D print by August 3rd and it will be displayed at our popup. You can pick them up at the end of the popup or we can post them back to you to keep.

In order to take part, all you have to do is to go to this link, design a handle and ask your hub to send it to Gillette. Take a picture, post it here, and on social with #RZRMKR for bonus points.

Prizes: So what can I win?

  • 1st Prize: £500 3D Hubs Voucher

  • 2nd Prize: £250 3D Hubs Voucher

  • 3rd, 4th & 5th Prize: £100 3D Hubs Voucher

  • We’ll also pay £300 cash to every winner for the ownership of their design. (See T&Cs for full details)

  • Possibility for RZR MKR™ to buy any contestants’ design for £300

On top of the vouchers, your designs will be on display in the RZR MKR™ pop-up in BOXPARK, Shoreditch (9th – 14th August), and on all our major social media outlets.


  • Goal: Design and print an innovative new razor handle for Gillette Fusion, Mach3 or Venus.

  • Final Submission Date: August 3rd 2016 - The print has to arrive at Gillette by this date and time

  • Judging Criteria: Originality, Functionality and 3D Printability. Post your design with a description and an introduction to yourself.

  • The judging panel will be made up from Gillette, MakersCAFE & 3D Hubs. FAQs here

  • All files and guidelines can be found here