Request Shape - Oblique Cylinder

Hello, it is possible to make an oblique cylinder in tinkercad ?

Thanks to all

Thats a good question! I havent found a tool that allows you to skew one side of a part, but what I would do is make a cyllinder, rotate it on the vertical axis until you reach the degree of ‘obliqueness’ you want. Then use 2 block holes- one on top and one on bottom. Since those sre parrallel to eachother, when you delete from the cyllinder, it will have that skewed look.

try using a360 fusion or I can model it for you as a favour if you email me a sketch

Hey @tinkercad team! Are you able to offer @Samos some help?

Hey Samos -

Not sure if you posted to the Tink forum also, but here’s a solution I put up yesterday:

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