Hi Everybody! I was wondering for all of the Prusa owners out there, how often do you need to replace certain parts? I’ve had my MK2 since late June this year and it has developed a short in the wiring of the thermistor for the heat bed. Prusa doesn’t sell that thermistor on their site, only the one for the hot end. Has anyone else run into the need to replace wiring or other parts due to basic ware and tear?
I’ve found that wire junctions on the moving bed and hot end are my biggest failure point. Good cable management has really helped improve the lifetime of the wiring, especially anchoring the wires that have to move along the X and Y axis.
I have five original prusa I3 mk2s myself, I’ve only ever had to replace a thermistor once on my oldest machine, and that’s because I broke it while fiddling around. That being said, try contacting prusa research and I’m sure they’d be happy to sort things out! Sometimes they don’t show all the available parts in the shop, you have to ask them and they’ll give a separate link as supplies are low. Hope this helps!
Have you contacted Prusa customer service? I had a hard time finding it when I needed it, but they do have a chat on their site that you can get parts possibly for free if it only lasted 2 months, they do have parts they can supply that are not available directly through their typical online store, contact them, they will work with you.
My linear bearings developed a lot of play after about two rolls of filament. I made a video, contacted Prusa and they tried to sell me the upgrade kit to Mk2S. I did not buy it. They did not want to replace my linear bearings on warranty even though I had the printer for something like two months. I like the way they innovate but not how they did business with me in that case. Other failed parts I have ordered from E3D (nozzles, hotend fan) because their shipping is lower, Prusa has poor shipping contracts in their country, or their shipping costs are quite high. Alone the upgrade kit to Mk2S’s shipping costs about twenty Euros to another European country.
I hve had my i3 MK2 since march. I bought it as a kit and built it myself. So far I didnt have to replace any parts and I printed close to 200 kilo meters of fillament. I bought silicone sleeve and hotend thermistor from e3D since I want to protect the hotend and the wireing of the new thermistor is much better. I had a problem that one of the prints stuck to the hotend and damaged insulation of the thermistor wites but everything was fine and the printer works. My next printer will definitely be Prusa if they manage to make printing volume bigger.
I got a short in the bed thermistor on the newest printer I recently received. But I have owned the first Prusa I purchased since February without any issues. I Upgraded it recently to the MK2s… but that is only bearings and rods (with a few additional printed parts). I haven’t had any electronic component issues though. Not from wear and tear.
I doubt it was meant to be faked. My first machine has a similar issue, I believe it’s a firmware glitch. The first machine says it has over 800 days of print time, which clearly isn’t true. Hope this helps!
I don’t have intetion to fool anybody and I wish I had a knowledge to fake it. If it is a glitch sorry to make a mess but I do hope that I will print this amount of filament without problems. We’ll see.
not I do not believe that you are trying to fake anybody, what would be the sense in that? Actually my printer also shows a crazy amount of filament in the statistics, when I got it it showed realistic numbers but after the firmware update it started showing these kind of “updated statistics” I guess something was “lost in translation” I just keep track of how much I print by the approximate amount of filament I buy and use…happy printing everybody!