Professional-grade Blue Led 3D scanner (non-contact Fringe projection) - For sale UK

Professional-grade Blue Led 3D scanner for sale, UK (London)


Professional-grade Blue Led 3D scanner (Fringe projection). Less than 5s for a single scan. Equipped with 3 sets of scan ranges, suitable for 3D measurement and inspection including these heavy and large objects. Ideal to 3d scan items from 5mm upto 3/4 metres.


Single scan range 100×75mm²、200×150mm²、400×300mm²
Accuracy: 0.01-0.03mm
Point distance: 0.07-0.31mm
Scan time: < 5 seconds
Scan depth: 100-400mm
Camera resolution: 1,3MP×2
Light Source: Blue light(LED)
Scan type: Non-contact structure light scanning
Alignment method: Reference points auto-alignment/manual alignment
Data format: ASC,STL,PLY,RGE,P3,PF
PC configuration requirement CPU: Intel core i5 3350 or better
Display cardNVIDIA GeForce GT 640 or better
Memory: 4G DDR3 1600 or better
Operating system: win7/8/10 64bit
Operation temperature: 0 - 45°C,

Price: £8,800.00 (negotiable)

Also included
- Dongle USB license
- Aluminium mobile case
- 3x high precision calibration boards
- A set of photogrammetric markers
- 3D scanning software
- Tripod
- Training course
- Mobile Workstation Laptop (Win10 X64, SSD, 16GB Ram, 2x Nvidia Geforce, Intel i7

Hi Fulvio,

We could be interested, you can contact us on contact at digitage dot fr.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,