Professional-grade Blue Led 3D scanner for sale, UK (London)
Professional-grade Blue Led 3D scanner (Fringe projection). Less than 5s for a single scan. Equipped with 3 sets of scan ranges, suitable for 3D measurement and inspection including these heavy and large objects. Ideal to 3d scan items from 5mm upto 3/4 metres.
Single scan range 100×75mm²、200×150mm²、400×300mm²
Accuracy: 0.01-0.03mm
Point distance: 0.07-0.31mm
Scan time: < 5 seconds
Scan depth: 100-400mm
Camera resolution: 1,3MP×2
Light Source: Blue light(LED)
Scan type: Non-contact structure light scanning
Alignment method: Reference points auto-alignment/manual alignment
Data format: ASC,STL,PLY,RGE,P3,PF
PC configuration requirement CPU: Intel core i5 3350 or better
Display cardNVIDIA GeForce GT 640 or better
Memory: 4G DDR3 1600 or better
Operating system: win7/8/10 64bit
Operation temperature: 0 - 45°C,
Price: £8,800.00 (negotiable)
Also included
- Dongle USB license
- Aluminium mobile case
- 3x high precision calibration boards
- A set of photogrammetric markers
- 3D scanning software
- Tripod
- Training course
- Mobile Workstation Laptop (Win10 X64, SSD, 16GB Ram, 2x Nvidia Geforce, Intel i7