Printing the Gears version of myself with the Form1 printer

I am Patrick, 3D artist at Zazzy. Zazzy allows you to easily create your own customized 3D printed jewelry - I create stuff like the base 3D models that customers can then customize themselves.

When the Zazzy team was at the Blender Conference we ran into @bartv from Sketchfab. He was making some cool 3D scans from people attending. Bart was using an iPad with a Structure attachment to make the 3D scans. I got a 3D scan from the shoulder up, which meant that if I wanted to make some kind of super hero of myself, I’d have to find a body first.

I decided to get some armor from Gears of War. Usually game assets aren’t suitable for 3D printing, with thin walls, non-manifolds and geometry without volume. So the body needed an update. I imported the model into Blender and started fixing it up. And of course the head got replaced by mine to create the ultimate hero.

To save some resin I made the model hollow and poked holes at some awkward places (every super hero needs a sad backstory). Sadly, the solidify modifier didn’t quite work with this as vertices would explode and go everywhere so I just extruded a cylinder and followed the shape of the body, allowing at least 1mm wall thickness.

To print the model we used the Form1 printer with a nice clear resin. The print took 2 hours, with the model being 6.5 centimeters tall (a bigger one will also be printed, will post that later as well as the print results!)


Here are some pictures of the finished model with and without the support material.

Hey Patrick,

I featured your story on BlenderNation:

There’s a question about a close-up picture of the printed face, maybe you can leave a reply?
