Hi! I would like to print an STL and also print its mirror. I don’t have a tool to do that and understand that this can be done in most printers.
Is this possible?
I would put an order of x2 of the STL, but where would I write the request regarding the mirror to make sure that is what I get?
I printed with Danels Hub and was pleased with the work, and wanted to use his service again (as I thought I could just message him) but messaging is now disabled after the service has been provided. This means I won’t be sure I’ll get what I need.
Any tips?
Have you tried Tinkercad.com?
I have never tried to load a .stl file into the tool, but certainly when creating an object you can flip the object by 180°.
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Wow! Thanks! That took about three seconds to work 
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I did not create the file but I need to mirror the STL to 3D web print a matching set. Please help, I’ve tried using mesh enabler to covert it to a solid.
Step by step.
Log in or sign up to www.tinkercad.com
Choose “New Design”
Choose your .STL file from your PC library.
When the item has been imported selected with the mouse with a rectangle surrounding the whole object.
Move the object to left or right of the build area.
Click the “copy” icon (top left, two squares).
Click the “paste” icon (next to copy, a clipboard and a square).
Drag the pasted item clear of the original.
Click the “Mirror” icon ( top right centre, 2 triangles and a vertical line).
Three double-headed arrows should appear. Select the direction you want to reflect the item ( normally left-right).
You should now have two mirror-image items.
Drag them together if you need to.
If you want to save this as a single item, select everything with a rectangle as before and click the “group” icon ( a circle and arrow-head combined).
Then select “Export”
Choose “Everything in the design, and .stl
Then Save As (up arrow from Save choice)
I hope this has been helpful.