I have had all the trouble in the world with my IIIP Maker Select V2 printer. The nozzle has recently been unable to get a first layer down 100%. I’ve tried resetting the bed thinking it may be the leveling, but that hasn’t been successful. While using the heated bed I usually always have a couple corners warped which completely ruins the layering farther up the print. I usually set up my prints with a bed temp of 210C-220C and an extruder temp of 65C-70C, so still not sure where to go with temps to fix the warping. Along with the first initial layers being a problem, it seems the nozzle catches small fibers of print that are part of the support inside the print. I bounce around with 30%-50% density And haven’t found the right spot. As far as adhesion I’ve tried attaching glass, gluesticks, painters tape, and hair spray (even combining some and still failed prints). Im just praying someone has some advice because in my attempt to talk to Monoprice they want me to send the while printer back and to get a replacement. Plz help.
Did you describe your temps correctly? Do you print with a raft or brim?
I have this printer and I usually run the bed temp at 60C and the extruder at 215C. If you have the bed too high the filament won’t cool fast enough and will warp. I only use PLA. I print with either .15 or .2 layer height and only 20-30% infill. Unless you need something really strong you likely don’t need 50%.
Also make sure the bed is high enough to make good contact with the extruded filament.
For adhesion I have had luck with the included build plate with the tape on, but sometimes I have used painters tape with a purple gluestick on top of that. The only downside is you have to reapply layers of tape because it tends to come off with the print.
You also may need to replace the nozzle and PTFE tube inside the extruder. Sounds a lot more complicated than it is. I can direct you to the replacement parts I used.
I’m assuming you meant a bed temp of 65-70C & a extruder temp of 210-220C, not vice versa.
How long have you been printing with your existing nozzle, and what materials are you using?
There are only so many variables that can cause the problems you’re having, so we’ll figure it out!
Personally, I would recommend using a raft. I use Cura for slicing and the automatically generated raft has completely removed warping. Furthermore, if you are using PLA, I would lower the extruder temp. I have had a lot of success with 195degrees C.
Yes I meant to say my bed temp is around 65-70 and extruder 210-215. I have been using a brim for my prints that go 5 times around. I began using rafts and they always seemed to peel up. Next time I’ll have to try using less infill because on the print I just tested it was all sorts of messed up. I did my best to level out the bed and used a glue stick and hairspray.
You may want to try taking off the nozzle and the plastic tube and see if that is clogged. You’d have to heat it up to printing temps, cut the filament, and push down the lever and pull the filament out or extrude it through to clear it. Then just use pliers to hold the heating block and a socket wrench to loosen the nozzle. Usually 3/8 inch works. If you are still under warranty then may be best to just replace the printer. I only had to pay $50 shipping to send it back.
Miss typed earlier.
Here’s a link to my own troubles with the Monoprice that might lead you to something useful.
1. Don’t know the filment your using or if your using a off brands
2. Leveling I found is simple home your bed turn off power and use a sheet of paper on all 4 corners repeat if needed. Also make sure it the tip of nooze not some leftovers that are you rubbing agaisnt when senting.
3. Clean your Bed may help rough it up a bit. I know in my first print it scarred my center never had a problem there after.
4. If your that your pic your setting not right on your setup or something else going on.
5. 60c for bed for play is max I set it to. 190-210 for pla I found work on on my print here. May have to adjust for weather I know my prints suck in humid weather.
6. Nozzle head out can get filment on it can Drag your stuff around. Best and easiest way I found to clean it. Warm your extuder to 230c and plung half way in to pla. Let it cool and then twist or knock free lightly. I used some old print feet.
7. May be best to pull clean the inside noozle. warm it up and pull it out when it cools about 80-70c then pull. I had to do this with my glow 2-3 times get all out.