Marvin Chess Set

Hey all, just wanted to show you my Marvin Remix.

It is a chess set consisting of Marvin pawns, Marvin with the face of a horse, Marvin Castles, and The King Marvin. It also has a Marvin Queen and Marvin Bishop. I created it in Blender 3D. I hope you enjoy it.

Printing it: I tried to print it, however, Marvin has little feet, and my build plate isn’t very sticky.

The combination of the two created this:

FullSizeRender (3).jpg


Anyway, I might try again soon.

Here are the files:







You might want to use some raft. I know from experience.

If you print it, post some pics in the comments.





Hey @Schnixx, this is an awesome idea and we’ll try to print the set for sure! @ will be thrilled :wink:

The images are not showing though, would like to attach them in a comment? I can then re-attach them for you in the thread. Let me know!


Thanks, yeah here they are:

FullSizeRender (3).jpg


Done :wink:

Yeh I second @gabriela3d! This is awesome! And you’ve so generously shared the stl’s @Schnixx. What are you going to print it in @? I think you should print it when you’re in NY next week. We have some CF & Stainless Steel that would make a lovely set :wink:


Sweet! Be sure to post some pics when you print them!

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So cool! Those failed Marvin’s tho :slight_smile:

Lets print them in the Colorfabb or ProtoPasta metal composites and print a chess plate aswell, I’m pretty sure that would look awesome, although such prints would be very expensive :-/

If I find the time I will at least try to get them in two different colors and I’ll look forward to design a plate on my own, shouldnt be that difficult.

PS (edit): instead of an ordinary chess plate we could print the 3d hubs heart-logo and play on that, we’d just have to find new rules :smiley:


Marius Breuer

I know…:slight_smile:

Thanks Marius. Yeah I think printing them in metal would be awesome, and I love the idea of using the logo as a board!


PS. Please post some pictures when you print them:)

haha. That horse face though… Maybe Marvin riding a horse would be a bit more elegant :smiley:

Sweet, will do! I’m thinking special PLA’s (bamboo, wood, copper)

I know… I was going to try that, but I was sure it would come out looking terrible :stuck_out_tongue:

That will be awesome!