In celebration of this beautiful day our great friend @flowalistik designed two low-poly models based on the Star Wars universe. For all the people who haven’t stopped talking about Star Wars since Star Wars: Episode VII has been announced, this is for you.
These models are 130 mm height and consists of three different parts (head, body and connector). There are two different versions for the Darth Vader, one with cape and the one without. Which one do you like the most?
It doesn’t need support material to be printed thanks to Flowalistik’s extraordinary design skills. Both models have been printed in less than 2 hours using white PLA (0.2mm layer height). The post-processing consisted of some paint in dark zones such as eyes and sanding.
May the force be with you!
Pro-tip: If you don’t own a 3D-printer, just click the red button to order your print!
Clean work as usual ! I think this is gonna end up in 3D Hubs office soon ! Carbon-Fiber-Low-Poly-Darth-Vader and Glow-in-the-Dark-Low-Poly-Storm-Trooper… What else ?