Looking for edible 3D prints to Stockholm, Sweden by the 13th of November.


We’re hosting 3D print meetup in Stockholm, Sweden 13th of November and would like to show (and eat :D) 3D printed food. It doesn’t matter if it’s chocolate, sugar or something else. As long as it’s 3D printed!

/Axel Eriksson



Maybe you could ask ChocEdge ?

Don’t hesitate making that a 3D Hubs event cc @Simona



Oh this looks like a very cool event!

Would love to invite 3D Hubs community there, food is always a great topic :slight_smile: @3DiTALY printed best italian chocolate recently, maybe they can help you out.

If you want to make it a 3D Hubs event contact me simona [at] 3dhubs.com


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I sent you an email and will try to contact @3DiTALY later today. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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You can also have a look at @ChocEdge (https://chocedge.com), or DoveTailed (3D Printed Fruit is Here, Thanks to Cambridge Company Dovetailed - 3DPrint.com | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing)

Ps. we had Dovetailed coming over for one of our London meetups which was a huge success (cc @Gfisherwils)

Check out the Dovetailed Fruit Printer, get in touch with them they may potentially be able to give you some slides on it which might be a great addition to the meetup.