List of users offering print/modeling services in Mexico

If you want to be added to the list of people offering services in Mexico, please comment here. Include if you are able to do 3D modeling, what materials and technology you are able to print in, as well as any colors/finishes you can offer.

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Hi, I would like to start a list of users offering services in Mexico.

I print with FDM technology: ABS, PLA, Flexible, PETG, Bronze, on demand. 300 to 50 microns.
SLA: Resin. For high detail non-functional models.
3D Scanning.
CNC: Micro Milling. Small volume production and small pieces in acrylic, wood and aluminum.
3D modeling.
As usual while in 3DHubs peer-to-peer period, I will be glad to answer your questions and suggest the best solutions to your project.

Continuing the discussion from List of users offering print/modeling services in Mexico:

I have stl model plastic box
top 598.5 mm
bottom 649.8 mm
horiz 384.75 mm

was trying to print on 3d printer using site services but quote was too high
near 500 us while material cost is about 10 bucks
looking for somebody to print model privately for me please

Hola, Luis. Tu modelo es de grandes dimensiones para un impresora de escritorio. La mía, que es considerada de formato grande, sólo alcanzaría a cubrir 290x275x250 mm. Requerirías una impresora de uso industrial si es que quieres tu modelo impreso en una pieza. Otra opción es que cortes tu modelo para que se imprima en partes que después, una vez fabricadas, puedas unir. Lo costoso de la impresión se debe a que tomaría muchas horas fabricar tu caja, y se requerirían muchos cuidados para que no se deformara durante el proceso de fabricación. La mayor parte del costo de impresión es por el tiempo de uso de la impresora más que por el material utilizado, generalmente plástico.