Linear guide Gantry Solution

Alright, so I recently started work on a new printer. I managed to pick up enough 80/20 10 series (for free!) to build a super rigid frame that measures 26" x 26" x 20" (l x w x h). My intention is to have a 500mm x 500mm build area, with a z height of somewhere around 350mm. I’ve already purchased some linear guideway for my y axis - two 600mm fully supported steel profile rails. Now I’m running into trouble coming up with a solution for my x axis. My original plan was to use two 600mm linear shafts as my x axis guides, but I’ve discovered that this option will either be too flimsy (too high deflection), or will be ridiculously heavy. Later, I learned that igus makes some carbon fiber linear shafting that would be perfect, but unfortunately they refuse to give me a quote for only 1200mm worth of material. Now I’m stuck on deciding whether just to use another 600mm profile rail supported by a piece of 80/20, or to deal with heavy amounts of deflection or some serious weight.

Has anyone built a printer like this? Does anyone have any input on what might be the best solution? I could really use some help in finding a reliable fix to my problem.

Thanks in advanced!

I’d build smaller. Little need to go so large. Heated beds, flat print platforms all become an issue at this size.

If you are set on this build i’d look at emulating a CR-10 style design.

I intend to stick with my current configuration because of the way I intend to apply the printer. I think I’ve decided to use larger motors and build a more rigid gantry.