Large Scale Printing

I am trying to find a printer that can print about 3’ x 3’ with the material being resin. Is there anybody here that can help me out?
Planter Model Solid~.stl (993 KB)

Hi @niniedwards0209,

I looked for a suitable Hub in the Lexington, KY area who can print with castable resin. I think this Hub can print the order for you!

If you got any questions, let me know.



I would be really interested to find something like that too!

I supplied with the printer working area is 175/175/230 mm
Type of 3D printing SLA, the minimum accuracy With 25 microns, 200 microns accuracy YX


These two pieces are not as big , of there is a error in the STL file.

We have a objet 350 and we can print this for you in layer thickness 0,016mm for €75 ex tax en shipment.



In one small component are too thin walls

Thanks for commenting. Yes, there is an error with this file. The actual planters are a little less that 3 feet by 3 feet. Could your printer print this large?

Thanks. I am new to 3D printing, so these terms are a little foreign to me. I think your printer might be too small. I am looking for something that can print 3 feet x 3 feet.

3feet is almost 1meter I cant print that big my max is 350mm that a bit more than 1,1feet.



Think about this for a moment. Even if there was a resin printer that could print a volume of 3’ x 3’ x 3’, the volume of a resin vat that size would be about 50 gallons or 750 liters. The cost of resin varies from about $60 to $100 per liter. So just to fill the vat with resin would cost a minimum of $45,000.

That’s if such a printer existed. There is no resin printer anywhere near that large, and I’m not sure that the technology could support it. I can only guess how much such a printer would cost but I’m sure it would be well over $100,000, probably closer to half a million dollars.

As you said you are new to 3D printing, and your expectation of printing something 3 feet x 3 feet is completely unrealistic.

Just curious though, about how much were you budgeting to print this planter?

Oh wow, certainly not that much. The idea is that the print would be hollow, so the resin would not fill the entire space. Looking to print for commercial purposes, so we are exploring all areas of possible manufacturing. Going the classic route with by filling a mold might be a better option, but I did not think finding a larger printer would be this difficult. I guess that technology is not here yet!

The larger FDM (plastic filament) printers have a build size of about 8"x10" by 8" tall.

Some of the larger ones can do up to 12"x12"x12".

The resin printers are smaller than that.

The Form1 for instance has a build size of 125mm×125mm×165mm. That’s just under 5 inches across.

So you can see that they are nowhere close to printing an object 3 feet across.

Even if a 3D printer that size was available, printing something that large with a 0.4mm nozzle is impractical and would probably take weeks to complete.

You’ll be better off exploring more traditional technologies…