Is new firmware a bad idea?

I own an Afinibot A3 printer, but I am getting annoyed with the amount of bed leveling I have to do. I want to install a sensor for auto bed leveling, but there is no option for that on my printer. I would have to install new firmware to do auto bed leveling. Are there any bad things that can happed if I install new firmware?

Yes. You can brick your controller board.

If you are going to experiment with updating firmware and adding devices, strongly suggest buying a second controller board with which you can test things. It’s relatively easy to swap out an identical board, could be much harder to restore one to a previous firmware release.

Ok thanks for the reply!

Hello the electronics you use is a part the most important you have for your printer , marlin firmware have many compatibility with electronics board , you have smoothieboard too … Try to change your electronics for something more open source Bye

ok thanks.