Having trouble editing the Delta MANUAL_Z_HOME_POS

I built a Delta 3-D printer from a cheap Chinese kit which uses the Marlin firmware. Everything seems to be working okay except the display shows my Z axis home at 295. This is where the #define MANUAL_Z_HOME_POSITION was set. When I issue the command G X0 Y0 Z15, the nozzle just touches the print bed. That would indicate to me that I need to change the above definition from 295 to 280. However, even when I do so and re-upload the sketch, the LCD still shows Z at 295 after homing and the nozzle still moves the same distance. Does anyone have any idea how to shorten the height of the build volume so the nozzle doesn’t crash into the bed?


Check if your eeprom is switched on as the setting maybe stored there.


If its on in the firmware switch it off, until you configure and tweak the printer.



Thanks, that’s a good idea in general for configuring the printer. I’ll check the eeprom. However, in the interim after posting this, I decided to dump the Marlin version supplied with the printer kit and install a fresh version from github, adjusting the variables as required. This version worked, allowing me to change the MANUAL_Z_HOME_POS parameter and reflecting the change on the LCD and in the head movement. So something in the supplied firmware was broken. Go figure. Nearly drove me crazy…err, crazier than I was, anyway. I guess I had to already be a bit nuts to buy this cheap clone to ‘play’ with. On to the next problem, the extruder… Story for another day.