Glue on the bed

Do you use any glue on a heated bed ? is it suggested to use it or it would be melted at high bed temperatures?

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Hello! Glue is used to help with platform adhesion. I would not recommend it beacuse it can be very messy and there are better solutions. I use blue painters tape and make sure the bed is leveled once every 5 prints. Doing it this way, I get perfect print bottoms every time!

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I’m assuming you’re talking about gluestick. I have used it on a heated bed over 120c. When heated to a high temp, it does give off toxic fumes so you want to have some ventilation.


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The best practice advise for bed adhesion is to use a spray as Dimafix directly on the bed. It really help to prevent the warping for several materials and helpfull to take off your part.

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Hey, pipiznzibar!

I recommend glue for heated print beds. I see a lot of people talking about painters tape or print sheets, but glue works for me, and i haven’t tried any of those other methods. I use UHU stics, as they seem to offer pretty good quality. The glue does “melt” to some extent, but it doesn’t affect quality. After the bed cools, the glue help the print to come off easier. One recommendation: when you clean the glue off the print bed, do not use a putty knife to scrape it off. This will dried glue powdery stuff to end up all over your printer, table and make a huge mess. Try using a sponge or some paper towel with just plain water to clean it off. Use the glue sparingly, as too much will cause difficulty on your part when you’re cleaning the bed. If you want to use a putty knife to scrape it off, at least get the glue wet with water first. this will make less dried glue mess.



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Elmer’s gluesticks are my go to when printing with PLA on my heated, glass bed. It works fantastically and rinses right off the bottom of the part with a bit of water.

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I have had zero luck with glue sticks, my go to is hair spray, I go to the dollars store and buy a big can of aerosol hair spray, heat the bed, spray a coat on it, about a minute or two it gets tacky and I rarely have parts break loose. Clean up consists of removing the glass, spray some finger nail polish remover on, let it sit for about a minute, then use a razor blade to scrape it off if I get lazy and let it build up, if not just use a paper towel to wipe it off.

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You didnt say what printer or bed type you have. But with a lulzbot with pei bed no glue or any other bed material is needed for printing abs or pla. When printing ninjaflex you want to use a glue stick, otherwise the print will stick too well. For nylons i spread a layer of elmers glue on the bed and let that dry.