Hi everyone!
I’ve been busy trying multiple colors on the ZYYX (but unfortunately not had the chance to take some good looking pictures, as soon as I can I’ll show you!), and since yesterday I’m trying some flexible filament (ninjaflex).
Compared to standard PLA it’s quite painfull…
First print went really well with the soft spring, got a nice little 2cm ball in 35 minutes.
For the second print, I tried a larger 4cm ball with my website written on it (engraved). First layer was okay, but from the second or third not anymore…
The filament is curling up into the extruder, henceforth not extruding anymore… (see picture).
I’ve currently a print with some new settings running : no more retraction and a slightly higher temperature at 235 C (I used the base TPE settings for the ZYYX+). More than one hour in the print and so far no issues.
As it’s a smartphone case not having retraction doesn’t cause a lot of trouble, but for some other objects it might get very stringy…
Do you guys have already printed with ninjaflex on the ZYYX+ ?