Hello everyone
My name is Alex,i am working on my new 3D Printing Invention and that is a printer which can change size towards the customer needs , the smallest size is 200x200 then v2 is 200x400 and v3 is 400x400 printing size so its very big. And the best thing all this versions are one PRINTER so you can just extend and reduce how you want . Heated Bed Plate included,2 extruders,and battery. As well there will be plugins for CAD Programs such as SolidWorks, 3Ds Max, Inventor ETC.
Check out this Facebook page and i would really like to share more information with you so i can make this printer better .
Hi Alex
we are working on a similar design. All the best 
What is the purpose of the NDA? Are you offering nore info on what the printer does? Are you sending test printers? Test prints? If you are sending pre-production printers/prints id be happy to publish a review once I know more about why id need to sign that
I am subscribing at the comment about the NDA.
It could be justified only if you are proposing some business together. Otherwise…
The heated plate can cover the full 400x400 area?
We already have a printer which can cover 400x400 (in fact, more than that) but we didn’t solve (correctly) the heated plate problem.
To add to this, typically an NDA is signed between two parties who are offering something between each other. NDAs are typically not used between parties that have nothing to offer on another.
Blind NDAs, such as this, offer little to the signer, except to see something they may not wish to give up the right to develop in the future.
For example, I am designing a printer, I sign your NDA, see things in it that are the same as I am developing; I lose the right to discuss my own printer.
Without more information, or greater offering from you, it is unlikely that folks will just want to sign this NDA.
Great to hear that,so when you are planning to publish it?
Yes right now we have 3 different heated plats for each version. 200x200 ,200x400 and 400x400.
Hello Cory,
Don’t worry about NDA right now.
The main capability of the printer will be extending and reducing the size of the printer towards the customer needs .
3 different positions ,from 200x200 to 400x400. If you can provide me your email we can be in touch thru that?
Hello Perry,
Don’t worry about NDA right now,i just want to know what is your feedback regarding my idea and your overall opinion.
Right Perry!
For me it looks total inappropriate to come to such a forum with NDA’s… Probably the majority are DIY-ers…
NDA Removed, sorry about that guys.
So you will be selling upgrade kits?
Will the kits be printable?
How do you mean that?
We are making new Printer not only upgrades.
Yeah, I know
I was imagining like the printrbot XL upgrade kits, that you could buy and easily install on a base model.
Parts for the First X3D Testing are here , you can expect video soon!
Hello Everyone ,i been away for a while working on the printer.
So here are images and videos with updates.
As well there will be one more thing ,integrated upgrade kit for scanner inside the printer.
Please check out new promo video for the printer and website.
Thank you!
Parts are ready for first motion testing.