Endurance mini DIY laser engraving and cutting machine

Endurance mini DIY laser engraving and cutting machine

Small, nice, cheap Endurance mini DIY laser cutting and engraving machine with 2.1W and 3.5W lasers on board

Endurance makeblock engraving and cutting machine

31*39 cm Endurance makeblock big laser engraving and cutting machine with 2.1W and 3.5W lasers on board

If you want to know more, let us know.
E-mail: gf@endurancerobots.com

I am currently looking for a good and well priced laser engraving/cutter but to be honest i would never ever buy one that is not enclosed/shielded. The danger of the open laser is too great (one shiny speck throwing it behind the simple glasses the guy wears and bye bye sight) Not sure what the effect on skin is but i wouldnt want to risk mine.