I have had an Ender 3 for about a month now and have been printing with no issues since I got it. A few days ago, I started a new print with my Ender 3. The print failed, as it looks like it stopped printing about halfway through the print, then started again after a few minutes, rinse and repeat. The entire time there was filament in the printer, so I thought maybe the filament was bad. I tried changing to a filament I had no issues with in the past, but the same thing happened. I tried tuning my settings in Cura, nothing. I tried switching to Slic3r, nothing. I tried cleaning my nozzle with the Atomic Method (Cold Pull) as described by the 3D Printing Nerd, didn’t help. Finally I gave up and posted this and this on Reddit. So far they have given me plenty of helpful advice, and I have tried a lot of it, but so far nothing has helped. I gave up with cleaning and tried replacing the nozzle, and now it seems like it extrudes normally for a minute, then it suddenly stops for a minute or two, then it starts to come out really fast. Here is what I do know:
- The printer is gripping the filament fine, as the filament has small teeth marks on it when I remove it.
- It seems to feed fine when I push it manually.
- It behaves the same with all of my filament, though I have yet to try brand new filament.
- The Bowden tube has not been pulled out of the extruder partially, as I have removed and reinserted it 3 times now.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. A picture of how my prints are turning out can be found in the Reddit posts.