Does anyone know where I can recycle my failed prints?

Does anyone know where I can recycle my failed prints? I have searched for some websights online. I dont want to buy one of those expensive fancy machines that cost more than my printer to make like 2 pounds of filament. Thanks for any help that i get.


it depends from where you are, or where you are located.
In some area’s, there are community efforts to collect and recycle plastics (not just from 3D printing)
Have a look here : and

I’m still looking to setup a community/space for this in Antwerp (Belgium)

i tried to do the same for Odense in Denmark but there was not interest

the cost of a shredder and extruder does not add of to cheap filament

In my case it was not just for recycling 3D print waste into new filament, as that indeed is not worth the cost.
I was more looking at recycling any of the top 5 plastics, into new usable items, as Precious Plastics aims todo, like tiles, rods, beams, decoration, blocks, …