Calibrating teh UPBOX+ Manually

I finally figured out how to calibrate manually my UPBOX+ but when I want to print it tells me that my nuzzle head it to hi, I know the parameters are from 191 to 215, but mine is on 230. How can I lower it? Because I can move the bed, but how can a move the nozzle head? Thanks

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I am confused, what is it you are trying to do, set the nozzle height or manually level the bed?

When you raise the bed so that it is 0.4mm away from the nozzle what value does it say in the box between ‘move’ and ‘set’ ? If this value is outside of the range of 191-215 then there is a problem.

Let me know.

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I already solved it. I think it was a printer error. The problem was that when I upper the bed it went to 230, and obviously it was wrong. I calibrated like that, in the UP software. And the changed it and calibrated manually changing the nuzzle height in the UP Studio! Don’t ask me why but I had a perfect print and solved the problem, well it took me like 6 hours! Hahahaha thanks!