Question, I installed my Bl Touch on my ANET A8 and I think my prints are great now.
My question is every couple of prints I find that I have to manually level. Is this correct? I am not sure if it is leveling and then storing. I thought the idea was that the touch would cominsate for an unleveled bed.
How can I verify this? Any advice would be helpful.
To get the best result of your print. G28(home) following by G29(bed leveling) should be insert into the beginning of your gcode file. The answer is Yes, you should leveling the bed(G29) before each print.
Thank you for the reply.
Because I honestly do not know. What is the Bl Touch for then? I was under the assumption it compensated for bad bed leveling.
I got my proximity sensor, because I don’t want the cumbersome process to adjust the bed every time the print is not even. What is your reason to get it the first place? Based on auto leveling result, the printer will adjust the differences during the print. Some people think the auto leveling sensor is not needed, but in my case, I know I can get a reliable result when I use the sensor.
Yes exactly, I thought the idea was to not have to level the bed. The touch I thought was to store the reading and then adjust the print accordingly.
The bed after 3-4 prints seem to require a re leveling as the first layers become rough in certain spots.