The First problem:-
I have an Anet A8 and have been trying to update the hardware to Marlin. Which I think I have done. When I switch on the printer the display shows ‘Marlin 1.1.9’. Only the X, Y and Z are flashing ‘0’ and ‘?’. If I auto home they read X -33 and Y -10. Now if i rest them to say X 100, Y 100, Z 0 and save, the display shows that (X 100, Y 100, Z 0). Now if I do a Home the head moves back to where it was at the start and not to the new setting. The display shows X -33 Y -10 Z 0. I tried to rest the home over and over and it still wi9ll not set to the centre of the bed. I have tried to set Home using Pronterface and Simplify 3D but it will not set. When moving to Home back to the same place (X 100, Y 100, Z 0).
I have installed a SN04-N censer. So I need to set Home to the centre of the bed so as to set it up.
Next is I uploaded Marlin using Arduino 1.8.5 from my laptop. Now it seems to have uploaded all ok but for the flashing X,Y,Z. So I looked on the web to find out how to set home in Marlin. Again total confusion as most of the help is for Skynet and not Marlin. So I tried to upload Marlin again with Arduino and it will not upload as it finds and error in the compiling. pasting “/* SPI Master In Slave Out pin*/” and “_DDR” does not give a valid preprocessing token. So now I tried to upload Marlin from my Desktop, again using Arduino. This time I get a different error. #error “Oops! Make sure you have ‘Arduino Mega’ selected from the ‘Tools -> Boards’ menu.” Now if I set this printer then Marlin will not upload as it say set to Anet A8. OK so I re-downloaded both Marlin and Arduino for the laptop and the desktop. Now i get the same Error on both, pasting “/* SPI Master In Slave Out pin*/” and “_DDR” does not give a valid preprocessing token
Do any of you have any ideas as I am running out of hair and reaching the stage where I thinking of a new Motherboard (maybe with Marlin in it). I’m sorry for such a long post, but I been fighting this for the last 5 days. Please HELP