Hi all,
I recently replaced my Replicator 2 heater block with a kit from fargo3d. I am now able to print for about 20 minutes before the air-printing begins. I was there at the moment the printing stopped just now, and I heard a small “pop”. Hoping you all can help me track down the cause.
After the failure, I was able to move the filament in and out a bit with the load/unload routine (I don’t have a lever arm), but it was never able to start extruding, nor was I able to get it out from the feeder. So I took the motor out - pictures included. The filament is swollen. When I removed the motor, the filament was broken just above the motor… but i had been moving the filament up and down in an effort to get it out. So I’m not sure if that’s where it actually originally broke.
Not sure if this is heat creep? The fans are all working fine, are oriented correctly, and the heatsink and spacers are correctly placed. I even put a little thermal paste between the heatsink and aluminum block, but it hasn’t helped.
I also noticed that the heater block is loose when it’s hot. See here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/PzJgNYTKgMJbuZZF2. I took everything out again and tried cranking the metal feed tube into the heater block as hard as I could, and while it’s a bit better now, it’s still a bit loose when hot. When cold, it’s fixed in place.
I’m using cheap PLA, but I’ve been able to print just fine with it recently. There was no tension on the filament feed system when it failed, so that shouldn’t be the issue. The machine is operating in a lab with a controlled environment, so room temperature shouldn’t be an issue either. Any thoughts greatly appreciated.