#3DPrintFacade Contest

Hi 3D Hubs,

We, Heijmans from the Netherlands, started a 3D design & print contest! We ask you to 3D Print your façade of the future.

Check www.3dprintfacade.com for more information.

Design, print, submit & WIN!

  1. Download the basic design of the tile
  2. Design your own 3D printed wall cladding on a tile
  3. 3D print the tile
  4. Describe your design in 150 words
  5. Send the tile (physically by post) and your description (online) on

If you have questions, we will anwer them on Talk. Just use /3dprintfacade as tag.

Cheers, Christiaan



Hi StudioK!

Ofcourse! These are the prizes:

Main prize:

The winning design will be printed at a size of 1 x 1 meter in the 3D ‘Kamermaker’ printer of the 3D Print Canal House in Amsterdam. This copy is handed to you and a second copy will be put on display in the visitor’s centre of the 3D print Canal House. The winning design will also win a Colorfabb package with printing material worth €250.

Public prize:
Between 6 and 12 October, the public will choose its favourite design based on all the entries on this website. The design with the most votes wins a Colorfabb package with printing material worth €250!

Will you join the contest?

Great contest !!

of course !!

Does the tile have to be seamless tileable ?


Not seamless but we would like you to have a maximum size of 15 x 15 cm and to have a flat back and sides. Ultimately we want to fix the tiles together. Check the design tips at the website!

Awesome project. Is the contest open to any 3D printed materials? (We only print in ceramic)

Hi Tethon3D,

ofcourse! Would be great to have an entry of a ceramic tile.

Are you able to print the holes in the cornes?


Thank you! Yes. The holes will be there and it will meet the size dimension criteria to fit in a display with other tiles. Expedited printing and shipping times from the U.S. are a potential limitation.

Tethon 3D

I’ll have to use Onshape CAD and get a design entered!

Hi Owenscd!

Wow! Cool! I don’t know Onshape CAD but it looks like something awesome. Are you able to design your tile with this program?



That is great! Then the tile can be part of the contest!

If I check the shipping time form the U.S. to the Netherlands it is about 7-11 workdays. It should be on time if you would send it around these days. But I can’t promise of course!

Keep me updated about how you will manage it! Good luck with the printing :slight_smile:



Hello Christiaan, Yes I will design the tile, once I decide what I want to do! I have a few ideas!



Hello! I want to submit my design, in the “Upload your design (not required)” field I tried to upload a .stl file but it is seems is not allowed. what kind of files do you accept?? thank you! #3dprintfacade #contest

Hi Dulce_Luna,

If you submit your design without .stl file it should work! Apparently there are some problems with uploading large files, e.g. .stl files.

I hope this answers your question. If you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Sorry, Christiaan, we ran out of time. Ceramics take longer to finish post-print and with the international shipping, we couldn’t meet the deadline. Looking forward to seeing the results of this project.

All the best,

Tethon 3D

Hi Tethon 3D,

That’s too bad! Did you already finished the design of the tile? I know somebody who prints with ceramics in the Netherlands, maybe they could print your tile.


Ok, thank you! done! :wink:

Awww too bad, I just saw it and the package would take too long to the Netherlands :confused:

Hi Zippi!

You could use a 3D Hub in region Den Bosch to 3d print your tile! You will get a refund of €15 if you use 3D Hubs :). Just check the website: www.3dprintfacade.com/contest. If you use 3D Hubs you have to check the box at the submission form.

Good luck! I am looking forward to see your tile!



Hi fellow 3d hubbers (hubbies, hubsers…), i like the competition and have also made one!

Dont forget to look at the competition at Loading...

But can i count on your vote?




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