3DHubs at the Fuel3D booth during CES2015!

These are full color prints from scans of real life objects using the Fuel3D scanner.

Fuel3D also announced ‘Scanify’ - an affordable handheld 3d scanner that takes high res full color scans in under a second. If you’re at CES and want to find out more you can get scanned at thei Fuel3D booth inside the Sands Expo. You can also read more about it on their blog.

It’s been exciting first day at CES2015 and the 3D printing area seems to have doubled since last year. We’ve seen so many great people and impressive new products, we’ll keep you updated. What cool things and gadgets from CES are you excited about? Feel free to share any photos or insights from the event here.


Nice @Alex3DHubs those full color prints from the Fuel3D scans are pretty impressive. Did the Fuel3D team scan you at their stand today @Zach?