Hi everyone,
2016 has been a great year and for 2017, in order to keep growing and offer a better support for events, 3D Hubs has decided to move their event hosting capabilities to Meetup.com. We expect that our community in Vancouver will directly benefit from the platform change, allowing us to attract a lot more people outside of 3D Hubs.
We’re having a “3D Printing Show & Tell” event next Thursday, February 2nd at 6 pm at the Vancouver Public Library. We’ll be hanging out near the tables in the public atrium, a casual networking this time to kick off 3D Hubs’ debut on the Meetup platform.
Bring any 3D printed items to show us and tell us the story behind them, the challenges you faced when printing them, etc… Or, just stop by to learn more about the technology and meet members of the maker community in Vancouver.
We have a Colorfabb sample pack (1.75mm or 2.85mm) worth $30 to be given away to the best show & tell story, as voted by everyone in attendance.
RSVP at Meetup.com: https://www.meetup.com/vancouver-3d-printing/events/237236045/
Hope to see you there!
Nathan & Nerea
3D Hubs Mayors Vancouver