3D printer stoping while works

I have an Aurora z605 (like a Prusa i3 adapted), I work in it since 2015 (I switched the extruder a lot of times, so I had to set and adjust the whole thing again many times). Now I am having a boring problem: the printer stop while the printing is happening, the X and Y axis stopps suddenly. In the beginning I thought that was a mechanical problem, but the software host (Repetier Host) freezes too. I searched to a new program, to prove that is not mechanical, but a problem with the software, and I found the Printrun/Pronterface (it’s a good one, less intuitive than Repetier, but works), I always print a 20x20x10mm ‘cube’ to test (temperature, axis, fillament, and all the other factors), when I was testing the new software, freezed again. I tested and freezed again.

In my mind, in fact was a mechanical problem (maybe the motors wires is with a short circuit), and the resolution is further than I imagined. But my faith on a software problem was alive and burning inside me.

So I tested to print with the .gcode file in a SD Card directly attached to the motherboard of Printer, to my happiness and surprised worked so good, don’t stopped.

But there is a question: It is common to happen that, the printing work freezes suddenly? Happened something like that with anybody?

Thanks for readding and helping me!


Hi Leonardo, I had the same problem with my previous printer. There were 2 things that made the printer freeze: 1. The datacable(USB-cable) was damaged or had a bad contact with either the printer or the PC. 2. I was doing something on my pc that demanded a lot of processor power. (It was a 7 year old pc). Alternatively changing the baudrate also solved some issues for me but I don’t think its the case here. In general it is better to use your SD card slot tot prevent failures from your PC result in failed prints. Hope this helps!

Thank you so much!

All that you said makes sense. I will test new USB cables. When something is printing, my PC is 100% dedicated to the printing process, so one of this things is eliminated, even so you helped so much!

Hi Leonardo, Were you able to fix the problems with your printer?