I have an Aurora z605 (like a Prusa i3 adapted), I work in it since 2015 (I switched the extruder a lot of times, so I had to set and adjust the whole thing again many times). Now I am having a boring problem: the printer stop while the printing is happening, the X and Y axis stopps suddenly. In the beginning I thought that was a mechanical problem, but the software host (Repetier Host) freezes too. I searched to a new program, to prove that is not mechanical, but a problem with the software, and I found the Printrun/Pronterface (it’s a good one, less intuitive than Repetier, but works), I always print a 20x20x10mm ‘cube’ to test (temperature, axis, fillament, and all the other factors), when I was testing the new software, freezed again. I tested and freezed again.
In my mind, in fact was a mechanical problem (maybe the motors wires is with a short circuit), and the resolution is further than I imagined. But my faith on a software problem was alive and burning inside me.
So I tested to print with the .gcode file in a SD Card directly attached to the motherboard of Printer, to my happiness and surprised worked so good, don’t stopped.
But there is a question: It is common to happen that, the printing work freezes suddenly? Happened something like that with anybody?
Thanks for readding and helping me!