I am using sketchup. I have never printed anything in 3d before. Is there a way to preview exactly what you will be getting?
The way that I do it from sketchup is use the solid inspector tool and it shows you what’s wrong with the file then I export .stl into my slicer (cura) and then use the layer view to show exactly what will be printed. Hope this helps
The best way is to install the .STL export tool for Sketchup and create an STL file. You can then install Meshmixer and view the .stl file. It should show you exactly what will print.
Thanks for the response guys. I found a tool called cnc simulator. So I am creating it in Sketchup then export it to an STL and open it in Netfabb for the error check, then save that file and then open in in Slic3r and get the G-Code, then I take the gcode and copy the code and paste it in the CNC Simulator. Still having some issues. This is my first project. I have used sketchup before. Way back when it was a google product. Not much has changed. Having some issues though. When I open in it NetFabb and it fixes it (not sure exactly what that means or what its doing.) It appears to be making it a solid object meaning I created a shape and its like a dome but not circular. It appears to be adding a back to it. so instead of having a 1/8 inch thick shape I have a 3 inch thick solid object. Would anyone be willing to take my sketch up project and givie me some pointers?
Try useing onshape it’s more professional parametric moddeling, it’s free and in the cloud.
Doesn’t some slicers preview. Simplify3D shows you how each line and layer will be printed and even simulates the tool on screen, MakerBot Desktop has a preview section, im sure cura also shows you layer by layer.