3D Hubs Assistant Software

Hi everyone

In the coming months, I will be developing a 3D Hubs Assistant which will act as a standalone piece of software that connects to 3D Hubs website. It will offer additional functionality for hubs that is currently not available through the website. As well as viewing requests on the uservoice forum, I would also like to collect additional data regarding which features would be most useful to all of you. This assistant will be used by hub owners.

I’d really appreciate it if you’d be able to complete my survey here https://goo.gl/forms/zc0GPGBvNMehXzPy2. It will only take a few minutes and it will allow me to get a greater insight into what you would all like from the software, which I plan to release for free when complete. To give you some idea of what I’m planning on including, I already have some ideas for things like more detailed hub performance statistics, an automatic $/cm^3 rate calculator based on filament cost and your desired profit margin, automated customer responses, generating shipping labels and invoices, and an integrated slicer for live updating quotes with different settings.

I hope that you will all find this very useful. Thanks!