Wasp 2040 clay piston introduction

Since we purchsed the wasp clay printer, I have difficulties in introducing and pushing the piston into the alluminium tank. Moreover, when working with Wasp clay (and water), I need to apply more than 6 bars most of the time. Did anyone experienc the same problem?

I would use IPO instead of water (evaporates quicker after Printing) and make it Simply thinner because 6bar is more than necessary if you have the right fluidity. Not Sure what to do with piston because I don’t have that issue. Make sure everything is cleaned properly.

thanks for your answer. I actually need to work with water for safety reasons. Hope someone will answer me for the piston problem, as I have no answer from Wasp…

water is fine but even then make it thinner. just a couple of ml’s can make a huge difference and your piston will probably not be a problem then.
And I think wasp is with holiday brake starting this week.