CTC dual clone makerbot print stop each time at same place


i have a ctc dual clone makerbot
with this mightyboard : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33051916833.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.29044c4d4DZJsG

and the printer block the print each time at the same place

maybe it s a problem with simply3d ? but i try to use makerbot and replicatorG for generate .3xg file : and i have the same problem

maybe it s a problem with the mightybord ? so i by and install an othar : i have the same problemā€¦

have you any idea ???
i need help :frowning:

I have the same printer. If you could send me the gcode and the x3g files i would be happy to check it out for you. My email is timothy04131987204@gmail.com

hi must be slicer problem slice again